I was born and raised here in Columbia County and care deeply about the safety and quality of life of our residents. Over the past twelve years as a prosecutor, I have had the privilege of working closely with the members of our law enforcement community on a daily basis. If the voters choose me to serve as their elected District Attorney, I plan to build on the outstanding teamwork that has developed among our police, prosecutors, and staff.
Methamphetamine, fentanyl, and other illegal street drugs have become a scourge on our local communities and throughout the United States. This affects not only those who become addicted and their families, but it also drives many property crimes and crimes of violence. The illicit drug trade negatively impacts everyone. We will continue to battle this problem with all of the tools available to us. This is an issue that demands action on both the supply and the demand side. I have successfully prosecuted and sought appropriate punishment for dozens of drug dealers and manufacturers. I have also been active with the Columbia-Montour Treatment Court, the former Berwick Anti-Drug Alliance, United in Recovery (formerly the Opioid Coalition), and the Law Enforcement Treatment Initiative (LETI) in providing help for those who are battling substance abuse.
I firmly believe that preventing crime is also the duty of a prosecutor. If elected I will continue to hold public education events aimed at reducing crime and making our communities safer. In schools we will teach students about the dangers of vapes, drugs, and cyberbullying. To protect our vulnerable older population I will hold events for awareness of elder abuse and the ever-evolving schemes used in elder fraud. Through these efforts and by supporting law enforcement in community policing activities we can make Columbia County an even better place to live and raise a family.
Finally, modernizing the methods we use to investigate and prosecute crimes in the 21st Century is a priority. Although good old-fashioned police work will always be needed, the nature of modern crime-fighting is ever more reliant on technological advances. With the emergence of widespread surveillance and body-worn cameras, social media, and other computer evidence, the amount of data available to us has increased exponentially. If elected, I will ensure that police and prosecutors are provided with the support and training they need to acquire, manage, and use this evidence effectively.